Back From Nowhere
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Going Under the Knife
Can't wait to skate
Dutch Doc gonna cut it out
No more fire in my chest
April Fools we took out
your spleen!
Monday, March 28, 2005
Sober Veganism
Craving cheeseburgers
don't dwell in personal fear and pain
it's how good I feel after exercise
Skating again whoppeeeeeeee
In my dreams

Rearranging my bad habits to good ones. Like going to the grocery store in the early morning instead of after work when I brought home a steak and a sixer. Preparing healthy vegan meal portions for the coming week on the weekend. Reconnecting with old friends and listening to their changes and continue to encourage without comparing and judging.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Message from His Holiness
"People who work in television and wish to practice this noble idea of caring for others could make a substantial contribution. Although stories of lust and murder provide exciting entertainment they have negative influence deep in the mind. We do not need this kind of entertainment all of the time."

His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama
from How to Practice

Happy Easter!
Saturday, March 26, 2005
Hey Doc Cut it Out
Ok, enough with the pain already, pain waking up, pain in the middle of the night, pain climbing stairs, pain walking down stairs. Please take it out today, sadly I will wait another week for the surgeon to say bye bye to my gall bladder on April fools day. Over a month of near vegan diet cutting back on consumption of the demon rum has brought many very positive aspects to my life and I will continue to focus on continuing these changes. But I cannot take years of good living to fix this pesky organ when I may have ruined it with years of bad habits. I need to get back on my skates and start training NOW. I have gained too much weight and at this age I am loosing muscle by the minute.

Meditating through the pain has really helped me in my daily meditation practice. Nothing helps you focus your mind like intense pain and it did subside through the meditation. Although I am not ready to do the operation without anesthesia but I hope to recover without pain medication and be on my skates within two weeks!
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Dance of the Kumquats
Eating vegan means consuming no animal products but leaves EVERYTHING else. Everything is pretty amazing if you consider the world of fruits and vegetables includes enough variety to eat something different everyday for the rest of your life. I have had so much fun blanching chard or kale then topping them with cooked Kashi and eating a warm salad. Sliced Kumquats in a spinach salad it is the first time I have ever eaten that funny little but tasty grape orange.

Meal planning for me has always started with choosing the type and cut of meat then what side dishes would complement it. It sure is liberating to be free from that mind set.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Jeffrey's Noodle Sauce
Many years ago a very good friend gave a little pamphlet of family recipe's as Christmas presents. It was the best present I ever got here is one of my favorite recipe's. Jeffrey was a very talented kind insightful man who died young and left a hole in our hearts forever.

2T Toasted sesame oil
1/2 cup sesame paste (raw tahini)
4T strong black tea
5T soy or tamari sauce
1T white vinegar
3T red wine vinegar
2t sugar (optional)
4 cloves garlic, minced
2T hot chili oil or Har Har hot bean sauce (I use Rooster Sauce)

Whisk all ingredients together and allow to brew at least overnight before use. Fold into hot pasta in conservative doses. Then you can add steamed chicken or vegies at this point for more balance. It keeps forever unrefigerated so I make double or quadruple batches but it doesn't stick around very long in my cupboard.
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Blue Green Protein
The blue green miracle Spirulina. Worried about enough protein in my new vegan lifestyle I found this amazing food. One half teaspoon in a quart of water along with a tablespoon of Braggs Amino Acids and 3 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar. Is the perfect drink for me. Probably the single healthiest source of protein there is tastes good too.
Monday, March 07, 2005
Meatless Two Weeks
It's a feeling of vitality of energy of I don't know what. I am sure it is because with a couple of exceptions I have eaten no meat for two weeks. By preparing every meal, packaging it and carrying it with me the only way to survive in my go everywhere any time days. I can totally control what goes in my mouth. I ate one fast food meal from carb addiction and mostly stress.

Stress eating wow you may need someone to notice this for you I do it a lot every day. Change your stress relieving snacks for good stuff like roasted unsalted soybeans, pumpkin seeds, Cliff Bars, and my favorite nutrition bars .

My truly favorite bar was called the Brass Rail but that is a story for another day.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Vegging Out
Hey everybody let's go out and nutrient our bodies!

Social Meals Can you maintain the discipline and still have a social life? YES, you can even at McFats. Use the group for friendship and fun and don't let the group dynamic use you. It is too easy to give in to poor choices when everybody else is. Know ahead what are healthy choices and ask the waitress if you can order off the menu when you don't see any. By now many restaurants are used to it the ones that don't care to listen to your wishes don't need your business. The more we demand and describe healthy choices more of them will show up.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Happiness No Pursuit
Happiness is a choice we make with every thought every action in every moment of our lives. It is not a pursuit it truly is a choice we can make or not. Why must I be the driving instructor one of my ride-a-long reporters calls me? It's just my foolish ego seeking proof that I AM A GOOD DRIVER. They can't hear my instructions nor would they change if they did. Compassion for all that is, a pursuit that I choose

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