Back From Nowhere
Friday, November 22, 2013
Found a NEW Nowhere!
Today, I woke up again every time it happens I am amazed and thankful. After several years of alcoholism disregard for my employment and general disdain of the world and the seven billion souls in it. Suicide studied, planed for but never carried out. The loss of a job I worked at for 23 years with a continuous 40 years employment as a Television Photographer/Editor in six different facilities in four states and two countries. More than 10 prescription medications not taken in over two years has taken a toll on my once healthy body.  Finding myself broke and hungry after months of trying to starve to death panhandling enough to keep myself in a stupor drinking mouth wash.

Finding the will to live and be productive wins over suicide thanks to my strong ego and the Angels that have stood on my shoulders for many years. I know now that CHANGE is the most difficult thing we all deal with.

Still crawling out of no where and thankful.

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