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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Television's Reality Unplugged
Sitting idle in front of a TV makes you fat walking burns it off, wow imagine that. A study in the April 9th 2004 Journal of the American Medical Association shows that television watching significantly increased our risk of obesity and type II diabetes.

Those in the study who watched more TV were more likely to smoke and had higher intakes of calories, saturated fat, red meat, and refined grains and that each two hour per day increase in TV watching will increase the risk of obesity twenty-three percent, and a fourteen percent increase in diabetes risk. Those who work up to a brisk walk just one hour a day show a twenty-four percent decrease in obesity. Any added moderate activity will decrease your risk.

So stand up sit down stand up walk to the TV turn it off sit down stand up, walk, run, skate. Soon you will be prying the edges of your smile out of your ears. I know because my TV is unplugged and gathering dust in my basement for three years now.


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