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Saturday, January 15, 2005
Shame on Me
NO. no. no. No. Noooo. NOOOOO! Why is that word so easy to say for a two year old and increasingly harder as life goes on. Food choices too many bad choices out there.

Can't see the Doc until the 28th for a new round of reflux medication so I am really working on the diet issue. This weeks meal plan was to eat boiled Kashi with yogurt every day at breakfast the only meal goal I accomplished. USANA Health Science's meal replacement powders for lunch four days out of seven not bad. Steamed vegies on a bed of Kashi or side of chicken or salmon for dinner no onions garlic or spices. Wow dinner was not happening like that but I feel good about the other meals that I am not going to beat myself up over the weeks bad behavior.

Only one restaurant meal during the week in it I ate the only meat. Boiled Kashi doesn't sound appetizing but there is so much you can do with it I am amazed how much I enjoy eating it. I've made up six portions for next week with black beans raisins pumpkin, flax, and sesame seeds. Perhaps warmed over a bed of lettuce for dinner. If I do most of the cooking before dinner I am more likely to warm it up after work. A convenient choice is better if it is a healthy one. And after eating that much Kashi I have a feeling that I can't explain but it is good.
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