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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Doctors Without Baggage
My new favorite doctors, authors, scientists, and pioneers Ray Strand M.D. a pioneer in the new medical specialty Nutritional Medicine his website has extensive information how the powerful nutritional products made by USANA Health Sciences can and did change my life.

Dietary pioneer Neal D. Barnard M.D. also has an extensive website advocating the new four food groups grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. He believes that meat and dairy lose their food group status, and fruits and vegetables no longer share a single group. His straightforward proposal sets in motion the most powerful dietary policy ever, one charged with the potential to save tens of millions of lives, including your own.

I have now used the powerful nutritional products from USANA for two full years the greatest measurable change in my health is that my blood sugar is normal a long way from the edge of the diabetes abyss I was teetering. I have an amazing vitality and zest for life that I cannot explain and look forward to the challenge of exercise and the benefits it will provide every day.

The foolish belief that I can't build muscle without eating meat is gone. Plants are the only source of food I should be eating. Plant based proteins are superior for building muscles without the unhealthy fats that just go to sugar and are stored on you body as fat again. It will be hard to remove meat and cheese from my diet. I have abstained from processed white sugar for a couple of years now and the smell of a big sugar frosted cake is actually offensive. I hope prime rib becomes as offensive.

The independent information provided by both of these medical professionals is based on science not the powerful political and economic forces of the big drug manufactures and the meat, cheese, sugar, and food processing industries. They are truly pioneers.
Thanks Randall, yes it is determination and choosing to live healthy thanks to my doctor I was shocked into making that choice. I want to help folks make that choice as soon as possible in their lives, because they will see results!
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